Monday, April 16, 2012


Notes: For a change, friends, I am writing the opening notes first and foremost before writing the entire post. I don't even have an idea what to write about first but I know I have to write or else I will lose my mind. You see, I am very nervous right now. The results of an important examination will be posted tomorrow. So bear with me, okay? I will write tonight about my current addiction, C.N. to the B.L.U.E. (Really CNBLUE. They just go C.N. to the B.L.U.E. on the lyrics of their songs. I kinda got used.)

I'm trying to put in more photos of them so you can familiarize yourself to who is who but my internet connection isn't really that great. Anyway, the above photos are the current members of CNBLUE, their band name. Surprisingly, and I don't know if there are any reason lying on their arrangement every photo shoot, they are almost always arranged in that order. I repeat, not all the time but most of the time.

Let's start from the left to right: Lee Jung Shin (the youngest member or maknae who is responsible for the bass guitar), Lee Jong Hyun (the second oldest member who is responsible for the lead guitar), Jung Yong Hwa (the leader and the oldest who plays the rhythm guitar), and Kang Min Hyuk (the third member in terms of age who is playing the drums).

To tell you the truth, I really don't know what to write about them. It's just that they really interest me so much as of these days. And I can really say that right now, I am a proud Boice (CNBLUE's official fans). I would really like to tell you about them. I mean the facts about them such as their like and dislikes or their personal information but many already did that and I truthfully felt that that doesn't really matter. They make music and I enjoy the music they make. That matters.

So, what's this post for? In this post, I will write about my journey as a Boice and how I got to like these boys.

I have heard of this band ever since I was welcomed in the K-pop world. That was on my last year of high school. I never really paid attention to them because I was very occupied with entering college that time, and being a Sone (SNSD/Girls' Generation's official fans) and an Otaku at the same time. (Seriously, I don't know how other people can balance Korean and Japanese pleasures with their school/work life. I am really beginning to lose my mind balancing everything I love but I really didn't lose my mind because as I said, those were the things I love. I would never get tired of it.) Like I said, I never paid attention on them.

On my first year of college, one of my friends is a big fan of them, especially Yong Hwa-oppa. She ever calls him her husband. Again, I didn't pay attention on them. That was a busy time for me, seriously, because I have to adjust myself on college and I still have to manage my pleasures in life, namely K-pop and anime. Those things made me alive, seriously.

So, when exactly did I began feeling that band? Honestly, just barely two weeks ago. (LOL!) I happened to have an interest between YongSeo couple in We Got Married, a Korean variety show, where celebrities were matched up to live lives like that of a married couple. Yong Hwa-oppa was paired with Seo Hyun-unnie of SNSD. It happened on 2010, if I'm not mistaken. I like that couple and on one episode, it featured the entire CNBLUE because Yong Hwa-oppa wanted his wife to meet his family which was of course the band he was in.

All members are so cute.

Notes: Sorry for this note in the middle of the post, friends, but I want to share good news with you. I passed! And it's all because of God's grace. I'm so thankful to Him. He is really the best.

And to continue, all members are really cute but I don't know anybody except for Young Hwa-oppa at first because I watched him in You're Beautiful with Park Shin Hye-ssi and Jang Geun Seuk-ssi. He is so cute but I don't pay attention for him that much because of the three main guys in that drama, I like Jeremy or Lee Hong Ki-oppa the most. (He is too cute.)

Anyway, my unnie showed my a live performance of CNBLUE and the first I really liked was Min Hyuk-oppa. He is cute, really, and his eye smile is really one-of-a-kind, like you rarely see such cute eye smile. I decided he is my bias then. But after seeing the episodes on We Got Married where all members were their with the YongSeo couple, I wasn't sure anymore.

And it pained me to have to choose just one bias. I don't know but it's like my moral code to only choose one bias, as in the one I like the most in one group, in every group. (Like for example: Sooyoung of SNSD, Bom of 2NE1, G-Dragon of Big Bang, Eunjung of T-ara, Hara of KARA, Seulong of 2AM... yeah, like that.) And I'm not sure of Min Hyuk-oppa anymore. Yeah, it feels sad.

But I made a resolve that I must not lie to myself. So after three days of deliberation, I decided that I seriously love all members but my bias became Jong Hyun-oppa. I don't know but his voice is just so dreamy and cool like he is made to sing lullabies. He is cute although all members are as cute, too. But he is really captivating.

I really hope they wouldn't be able to read this post of mine and they won't track me down and they won't see who I am. It's really embarrassing and I feel bad for Min Hyuk-oppa because he is really my first bias. I hope if ever they read this, they will just laugh it off, like how they laugh when Jung Shin-oppa showed his aegyo in Sound Plex. (Friends, I recommend you watch that. Oh wait, I'll just put the video here to save you time.)

That video is cute.

If ever for some weird reason, CNBLUE found this post of mine and is reading it right now, I just want to tell you that your band is really great and every song I hear you singing, I am falling in love with the songs. 

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