Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Racial Discrimination

I've always been bothered by a very popular trend now, especially among the youth, which is called "Racial Discrimination." Just yesterday, several acquaintances were talking about how they hated it whenever they were seated beside an Indian national. And I can't believe they have the nerves to talk and laugh about it? No race is superior or inferior to the others. What the hell is the problem if my skin is so black and my eyes are so big if I am the owner of a very successful multinational company? What do you care if my eyes and my height are both small if I have the knowledge to stop the destruction of our ozone layer? What is wrong if I have a very pale complexion and a lot of freckles if I could track and catch all hackers in the world? Well, my point is simply, you couldn't judge anybody just based on how they look. That isn't just fair. And how would you feel if you're race this time was being bullied by other different races? I bet the feeling will be the complete opposite when you're the one discriminating other races. The bottom line here is still the Golden Rule: Don't do unto others what you don't want to do unto you.

Here's an example because I have always been a supported of Anti-Racial Discrimination Acts so when I saw this, I was hurt, first of all, because I, myself, is an Asian and I might as well add that I am proud of it. But I was also disappointed because what the image above showed was really true, the mind of a racist's is very, truly small. Take a look at the comment of CrashDeX. That proves how small racists' minds are. They sang the song great and just because they're Asians, he/she called them idiots and had said that they ruined the beautiful song. I couldn't argue more because I know I've already proved my point. People, let us not be racists so that our minds won't shrink.

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