Friday, May 18, 2012


A/N: Hey there, friends. I happen to be a little bit annoyed with our connection tonight because I want to watch something on Youtube and it won't load fast. I guess I have to wait for a while. So while waiting I thought of writing about this thought that's been creeping and has always been in my head. You'll soon find out why I titled this cravings. Well, I think I should post in some pictures first.

So, what do you see friends? Of course, I do not mean the exact name of the anime. Well, I just gave you the answer. Anime.

Another picture coming up.
Okay, again, what do you see? I supposed some of you know them because they are really, really popular world-wide now. Well, the anime I posted above is popular, too, but it's popularity was at it's peak years ago already so it's okay if you don't know it. I don't know if you are an otaku like me as well so it's okay. Getting off the topic and going back now, the second picture I posted is a Korean girl group called Girls Generation or So Nyuh Shi Dae or SNSD (most commonly known).

(It's been so long since I started this post, I think two weeks ago, by the way. And I just have to finish this. So yeah, let me continue this, friends.)

Why did I post this two pictures? It was because I love anime and K-pop. I also do love Japan and Korea, the two countries I absolutely want to go someday. I really, really want to see cherry blossoms and the famous Jeju Island.

Anyway, many people who don't know anything about this are always asking why am I obsessed and addicted to anime and K-pop. Answer: Those things make me happy. That simple. If I were to answer if I could live without anime or K-pop, I certainly could. God, I live for an entire week with anime or K-pop if it's exams week. I could even live without the both of it all my life if something certainly called for it. But I will not be happy. That's the bottom line there. Sure, anime and K-pop are not something necessary for you to live. But those things make me happy. Those things somehow complete me. Those are the things that feeds my soul, not something in physical. Those things are what helps me to be happy and to cope with the different bullshits (sorry for the word) in life that can't be escaped and is impossible to eradicate all. Those things help me survive.

Ichigo Kurosaki, from Bleach, is my top anime guy. (And by saying this, I really, really feel sorry for Natsu, Gray and Laxus from Fairy Tail, L from Death Note, Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto and many, many more from shoujo mangas such as Usui from KWMS and of course, Otani from Lovely Complex, even Maiti-sensei from LC. But you see, if I have to choose only one, I'll choose Ichigo. ♥) Ichigo taught me never to give up. He taught me that if you want to protect something, someone, those people you love, your friends and your family, you have to absolutely give your best in order to do so. He taught me never to give up when you want to protect those you love.

Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden taught me like "I don't give a crap about how everyone thinks about me. That is my dream and I will accomplish it." He taught me that no matter how big the monster is in you (and by that, I do not mean the Kyuubi only), you have the power and you have to have the will to suppress it. He taught me that no matter what, you must not give up if you want to accomplish something. He taught me that you must not give up on your dreams. He taught me that there will always be people coming on your way but it doesn't mean that you have to be stopped by those people from reaching for your dreams.

Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail taught me the value of friends and families that it doesn't have to be your blood-relative, it doesn't have to be your biological father, grandmother or siblings that you can only can your family. He taught me the importance of friends and families that you must never, never let them get hurt. Actually, it wasn't only him. Gray, Erza, Lucy and everyone from Fairy Tail taught me that.

Conan Edogawa or Shinichi Kudo taught me, besides from his usual "There is only one truth." that you don't have to be exactly anybody to protect those you love. He doesn't have to be Shinichi to protect Ran or anybody. As long as you have the will to protect them, even if he is on a child's body, he will protect them.

L Lawliet from Death Note taught me never to be afraid of the truth and of the things you will learn. He taught me that even if truth might hurt you, you mustn't be afraid of it and face it.

Now, those are just the few things I've learned while remembering anime. There are many more that I've learned. Surprisingly, I learn many valuable things in life when watching anime rather than when I am watching the usual drama in the television. And I am not being biased here. Seriously, I learn more things while watching anime than when watching drama series.

Now why I love K-pop? As simple as anime, it makes me happy. SNSD is like my role model for me. And I really, really want to meet them someday. I want to say to them thank you because I am striving hard today because of the dream to meet them. No matter what people/haters say to them, I am proud to say I am a S♥NE.

You might already now why I say cravings as the title of this post. Cravings aren't exactly necessities in life but those cravings (as long as not addictive drugs or alcohol) are what makes me happy. They complete me as a person and they feed my soul.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lovely Complex

A/N: This time around friends, I'm writing the Author's Notes first and foremost. I just want some change. It's been a long time since I wrote something, right? I think the last one I wrote was about Haruno Sakura and things I don't like about her. Well, guess what? Our internet was down for more than two weeks and we just got it back. So I know I will not be able to finish Naruto Shippuden this summer. That's why I am watching shoujo anime just like Lovely Complex. And here's my review for such fantastic anime.

Well, for starters, this anime has the weirdest plot for shoujo animes, for me, I mean. This was the first time I'd heard and seen an anime that has this weird plot. As you can see on the picture, it's a love story (as usual, being a shoujo) of a girl named Koizumi Risa who is taller than an average girl with 170cm height and a boy named Otani Atsushi who is smaller than an average boy with only 156cm height. So their difference in height is 14cm (16cm actually since in one part of the anime, Risa-chan grew another 2cm, which by the way I may add she despised).

Weird, isn't it? That was the first time I'd seen such plot and I think that wouldn't work on viewers since it was very weird. For all I knew, ever shoujo anime I've watched that gained so much popularity such as Special-A, Maid-Sama, Ouran High, Yamato Nadeshiko and their similars, the lead boy and the lead girl has normal height. The boy is taller than the girl. Just normal and perfect, right? But Lovely Complex is such love and so wonderful that it really got me even more than those popular shoujo I mentioned.

So anyway, Koizumi and Otani are good friends even though they always fight all the time. And they are partners of a comedic duo that entertains everybody in school. And to shorten things up, before she knew it, Koizumi falls in love with Otani. (They always walk home together because their houses are in the same direction and they are always together since they have the same group of friends.)

As you can see, Otani is just a little bit taller than the average height of a girl and Koizumi is just a little bit smaller than the average height of a boy. Those are their friends, Nobu-chan (the farthest on the left), Chiharu-chan (the other girl beside Koizumi), Suzuki-kun (beside Chiharu-chan), and Nao-chi (the farthest on the right). They have the same group of friends that's why it's no wonder they're always together.

Their friends realized that Koizumi is in love with Otani and decided that she should confess to him. Koizumi agrees and no matter how she confess to him, he doesn't have a single clue that it's him whom she loves. He is the densiest (is there such word? but you got the meaning) guy in the entire world. Even though Koizumi literally tells him that she likes him, he took it as a joke and thought she was just playing a trick on him. So when Koizumi finally reaches her limit, she finally said it angrily. It's such a scene full of emotion it's seems to me like I'm watching them there in the anime world live.

Otani rejected her after thinking about it so hard because he said they've been friends and a team for so long so he can't just see her as his girlfriend suddenly. He rejected her, right? You should be thinking that after that he realized that he likes her, everything would be alright, right? But no, no matter how sad it may be for me to say this, Koizumi got a second rejection. It's so sad that I remembered what she exactly said: "Is that right? I got rejected by the same guy twice?" It's so sad. But Otani isn't sure of his feelings.

Finally, after much happenings and Koizumi almost giving up her feelings on him (but she couldn't, she tried to so many times but it always ends up with she can't give up her feelings because she likes him so much), they ended up with quotes saying they can't really do without each other.

And this is my favorite scene of the anime. Don't get me correct, it's not that they kissed here. For heaven's sake, they kissed already two times before this moment. But this time, it's so perfect. I really, really liked it. This just made the anime 5stars for me. So yeah, they ended up together.

That's just the anime's summary and a little bit of my review. Here's my real review of it:

Do you know why I like the anime? It's because it's so weird it felt so real. Many shoujo anime's I've watched, it's perfect girls meets perfect guy and they end up together. In Lovely Complex, it's not perfect girl and perfect guy. Koizumi can be really and idiot and so is Otani. Koizumi cried so easily and Otani is so insensitive. They aren't perfect and their height, God! You get my point, the plot is so weird it almost felt it's true and by example, I know it's really true. You see, not all guys are blessed to have monstrous height and girls can be so much more blessed in terms of height than boys. And some of them do fall in love. Only, in this world of so much criticism and discrimination, not all have their happy ending. They are too afraid to see questioning looks of criticizing smirks. They are too afraid that they forget what they feel and concentrate on what the world say This Should Be. They loses their love because of such simple reason as height.

Have you ever heard of the saying: In love, number's don't matter, age, weight, or height. I believe in that. If you love a person, you love him. Not because he has millions in his bank account. Not because he is taller than you. Not because he has a good body shape. Not because of those trivial reasons. You love a person because you love him. Isn't it weird? Yes I know it's weird but that's the truth. When you love a person, either you can give so many reasons (and never end up of reasons) why you love him or you can't give any reason why. You love because you simply love that person. Damn the reason.

You know what I love about Koizumi and Otani? It's that they swore not to fall in love with any guy shorter than her or with any girl taller than him but when they learned that they do love each other, they couldn't care much about that. Koizumi didn't think of that when she confessed to him and Otani didn't reject her because she is taller than him. When they learned they love each other, they love each other.

If I fell in love with a guy shorter than me, I hope he will be just like Otani and I can be just like Koizumi. Then I'm sure we'll have our happy ending. That would end my review. This anime is such love I suggest everyone must watch it. It's really a must-watch.

As a bonus, I want to tell you that it has a live action movie played by Fujisawa Ema as Koizumi and Koike Teppei as Otani. That movie time is so short that they have to squeezed several scenes on the anime on one movie scene together. It didn't really follow the real sequence on the anime but nevertheless, if you loved the anime, you will surely loved this, too. (And Koike-kun is so cute, by the way. He's so perfect for Otani.)

And another bonus, here's a video of Otani and Koizumi. It's a beautiful video and I give all the credits to the owner. I got this from Youtube and I just want to post it here on my post.

A/N: Please watch Lovely Complex. :)

Monday, April 16, 2012


Notes: For a change, friends, I am writing the opening notes first and foremost before writing the entire post. I don't even have an idea what to write about first but I know I have to write or else I will lose my mind. You see, I am very nervous right now. The results of an important examination will be posted tomorrow. So bear with me, okay? I will write tonight about my current addiction, C.N. to the B.L.U.E. (Really CNBLUE. They just go C.N. to the B.L.U.E. on the lyrics of their songs. I kinda got used.)

I'm trying to put in more photos of them so you can familiarize yourself to who is who but my internet connection isn't really that great. Anyway, the above photos are the current members of CNBLUE, their band name. Surprisingly, and I don't know if there are any reason lying on their arrangement every photo shoot, they are almost always arranged in that order. I repeat, not all the time but most of the time.

Let's start from the left to right: Lee Jung Shin (the youngest member or maknae who is responsible for the bass guitar), Lee Jong Hyun (the second oldest member who is responsible for the lead guitar), Jung Yong Hwa (the leader and the oldest who plays the rhythm guitar), and Kang Min Hyuk (the third member in terms of age who is playing the drums).

To tell you the truth, I really don't know what to write about them. It's just that they really interest me so much as of these days. And I can really say that right now, I am a proud Boice (CNBLUE's official fans). I would really like to tell you about them. I mean the facts about them such as their like and dislikes or their personal information but many already did that and I truthfully felt that that doesn't really matter. They make music and I enjoy the music they make. That matters.

So, what's this post for? In this post, I will write about my journey as a Boice and how I got to like these boys.

I have heard of this band ever since I was welcomed in the K-pop world. That was on my last year of high school. I never really paid attention to them because I was very occupied with entering college that time, and being a Sone (SNSD/Girls' Generation's official fans) and an Otaku at the same time. (Seriously, I don't know how other people can balance Korean and Japanese pleasures with their school/work life. I am really beginning to lose my mind balancing everything I love but I really didn't lose my mind because as I said, those were the things I love. I would never get tired of it.) Like I said, I never paid attention on them.

On my first year of college, one of my friends is a big fan of them, especially Yong Hwa-oppa. She ever calls him her husband. Again, I didn't pay attention on them. That was a busy time for me, seriously, because I have to adjust myself on college and I still have to manage my pleasures in life, namely K-pop and anime. Those things made me alive, seriously.

So, when exactly did I began feeling that band? Honestly, just barely two weeks ago. (LOL!) I happened to have an interest between YongSeo couple in We Got Married, a Korean variety show, where celebrities were matched up to live lives like that of a married couple. Yong Hwa-oppa was paired with Seo Hyun-unnie of SNSD. It happened on 2010, if I'm not mistaken. I like that couple and on one episode, it featured the entire CNBLUE because Yong Hwa-oppa wanted his wife to meet his family which was of course the band he was in.

All members are so cute.

Notes: Sorry for this note in the middle of the post, friends, but I want to share good news with you. I passed! And it's all because of God's grace. I'm so thankful to Him. He is really the best.

And to continue, all members are really cute but I don't know anybody except for Young Hwa-oppa at first because I watched him in You're Beautiful with Park Shin Hye-ssi and Jang Geun Seuk-ssi. He is so cute but I don't pay attention for him that much because of the three main guys in that drama, I like Jeremy or Lee Hong Ki-oppa the most. (He is too cute.)

Anyway, my unnie showed my a live performance of CNBLUE and the first I really liked was Min Hyuk-oppa. He is cute, really, and his eye smile is really one-of-a-kind, like you rarely see such cute eye smile. I decided he is my bias then. But after seeing the episodes on We Got Married where all members were their with the YongSeo couple, I wasn't sure anymore.

And it pained me to have to choose just one bias. I don't know but it's like my moral code to only choose one bias, as in the one I like the most in one group, in every group. (Like for example: Sooyoung of SNSD, Bom of 2NE1, G-Dragon of Big Bang, Eunjung of T-ara, Hara of KARA, Seulong of 2AM... yeah, like that.) And I'm not sure of Min Hyuk-oppa anymore. Yeah, it feels sad.

But I made a resolve that I must not lie to myself. So after three days of deliberation, I decided that I seriously love all members but my bias became Jong Hyun-oppa. I don't know but his voice is just so dreamy and cool like he is made to sing lullabies. He is cute although all members are as cute, too. But he is really captivating.

I really hope they wouldn't be able to read this post of mine and they won't track me down and they won't see who I am. It's really embarrassing and I feel bad for Min Hyuk-oppa because he is really my first bias. I hope if ever they read this, they will just laugh it off, like how they laugh when Jung Shin-oppa showed his aegyo in Sound Plex. (Friends, I recommend you watch that. Oh wait, I'll just put the video here to save you time.)

That video is cute.

If ever for some weird reason, CNBLUE found this post of mine and is reading it right now, I just want to tell you that your band is really great and every song I hear you singing, I am falling in love with the songs. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why I Don't Like Haruno Sakura

Notes: As always, I am writing this top note just after I finished the entire note. If you like Sakura, don't read. But if you like her and has an open mind to read reasons why I don't like her, you do can read. You can even comment on things you don't agree with. But please, I am only open on creative criticisms. I do not tolerate harsh words and other character bashing. And just to inform you, while I was writing this blog, I am just on the 141th episode of Naruto. Take that into consideration while reading. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden has over 400 episodes already. So this post is from the point of view of a person just on the 141th episode. Thanks for reading in advance. God bless, people! Let's continue to show love for Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. ♥

Okay, it has been already so long since I last wrote something, right? I wasn't really planning on writing now because I am watching and planning to catch up with the latest Naruto Shippuden episode (so I watch again everything from Naruto). I was just originally planning on commenting or posting on other blogs and forums about Haruno Sakura but I couldn't find any and my blood was already boiling. I decided to write a post about her here instead.

So who is Haruno Sakura? She is one of the main characters in Naruto, the 1/3 of Team Seven and the girl Naruto likes (or loves? I really don't know and I don't really want Naruto to fall in love with her, if that didn't happen yet, that is.). It isn't just Naruto, though. Rock Lee also likes her.

She declined him, as shown above when Lee said he'd protect her with his life just cause of Lee's appearance. Well, I'll dwell on that thing later because I was just introducing her, alright?

Anyway, where am I? It wasn't just Naruto and Lee who like her. I think on some episodes with other minor characters, other guys show interest on her. So I assume that on NU (Naruto Universe), she is supposedly a very pretty girl. She has pink hair that used to be longer because it was said that Uchiha Sasuke likes girls with long hair and green eyes (which I honestly love, her green eyes, I mean). She also has a big forehead which I don't really notice, to be honest. She liked Sasuke ever since the world began for her in NU and Naruto liked her ever since his world began as well. As for Sasuke, I don't know about him if he ever liked her as much as she liked him but in their farewell scene (where Sasuke finally decided to go to Orochimaru for powers to kill his brother), Sasuke did say "Thank you." to her when she confessed how much she loved him and how far she was willing to go for him.

That was it when she tried to stop Sasuke from leaving Konoha. Unfortunately, she wasn't enough to stop Sasuke.

So why I really don't like her? Well, for some reasons I will try to explain. But let me get this straight on here, okay? It is not that I hate her. Seriously I love her green eyes. It's just that she unfortunately sucks at times, or honestly, most of the time.

1. She only sees Sasuke.

That is the main reason why I don't like her. She only sees Sasuke and I mean only here, friends. Sure, she does notice Naruto's efforts and doings from time to time but it is still all Sasuke for her. It is as if Sasuke is the only thing that matters for her in the entire NU. Doesn't she even care for her parents who raised her up? Or for Yamanaka Ino who changed her from a weak girl to a stronger person? Or for Naruto who would certainly do anything for her? Well I guess she really doesn't care about anything I've mentioned above. Not to mention leaving Konoha with Sasuke would mean betrayel for Konoha. She openly admitted it, after all. So I guess I wouldn't dwell on here much. She said when she was stopping Sasuke from leaving Konoha that if Sasuke leaves, she would be lonely even with Naruto and the others with her. I understand that she loves Sasuke because I understand, too, how much Naruto also loves her. What I don't understand about her, why is it just Sasuke, only Sasuke? Naruto loves her but she isn't just the thing important for him. Their friends are important to Naruto as well and he would also risk his lives for them. Konoha is important to Naruto as well. Loving someone to the point of throwing everything else that matters as well, would I be too much if I say that I think that is too much?

2. She takes Naruto for granted.

This particular reason is one of the reasons that really urged me to write a post about her. Naruto always saves her. He always is willing to risk his life for her and I know that even if I deny it, he loves her to the point of promising Sakura that she should mark his word because he would definitely bring Sasuke back to Konoha and save him. It really broke my heart when he said before leaving with Shikamaru, Chouji, Kiba and Akamaru, and Neji to follow and bring Sasuke back, "Sakura-chan really likes Sasuke." (It was something like that. I'm not just sure if it were the same words.) Couldn't she feel some guilt? I know Naruto himself wants to follow and save Sasuke? But isn't she being selfish when she cried and pleaded Naruto to save Sasuke and bring him back to Konoha. And I knew for a fact that she knew Naruto, if not in love, likes her very much, and then considering what Naruto said after she cried and pleaded like that. Naruto is so willing to go different lengths for her. She is thankful for Naruto, I know. But couldn't she be even gentler with him, even just the fifth of how she acts if it was towards Sasuke? On the episode I am currently watching that was the reason why I am here writing this post right now (I am not even done with that episode but my heart is really tightening and I have to write this all down.), Naruto took the blade for her. She looked thankful and all but on the next days, she's back to being rude to Naruto. I don't get it. Did she already forget the things he did for her? (I don't even take it as being cute and funny when all she do is punch or kick him.) Or is her mind just concentrated really on one person alone?

3. She is physically and emotionally weak.

I know I am being really cruel in here but this is the truth, people. To tell you the truth, I absolutely despise weak characters. I just don't enjoy maiden-in-distress themed female main characters. It is very common and it is very irritating, seriously. The reason why she is always gets and has to be saved is because she is weak. This is the main reason why I decided to write this post, by the way, friends. I was watching episode 141 yesterday and I just got so pissed when all she do was cry and get saved by Naruto because if not, she will get killed. And she isn't even trying to fight! I would have like it more (or shall I say I would don't like her less) if she just tried to standing up on her own. But no! She is just there, holding her head, looking away from the enemy's attack and getting saved. Is she crazy? Does she think someone will always be there to save her? Honestly, she is not fit to be a ninja. (At least, Hinata is trying to fight. And here comes my biasness, for that, gomen.) The only time I saw her seriously fight was when she fought Ino (but that was because of an unfinished business of the past). Other than that, it was either she is always told to just stand back and watch and guard those who needs to be protected (and the others, Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi-san will fight) or she will fight by holding a single knife (and seriously, what can that knife do?) Well, at least she is trying, you can say that certainly. But not enough! It might be true that she is very intelligent but that still doesn't help much because she is just book-smart (unlike Shikamaru, the strategist). And the next point, she is also emotionally weak.

I think this was when Sasuke was leaving Konoha and she tried to stop him but he goes, "As always, you are so annoying." (Or something like that, I am not sure.)

This one was when Naruto and Sasuke fought on the hospital. Sasuke was using Chidori while Naruto was ready with his Rasengan. They were about to fire it at one another but she ran and tried to stop them BAREHANDEDLY. Seriously, is she on her right mind, trying to stop those powerful attacks with no weapons or techniques whatsoever. If only she is strong, but she is not. (Kakashi-san was the one who stopped those two, anyway. And I just like how Naruto said later, "Sakura-chan, don't interfere ever again.")

And this was her confession before Sasuke left Konoha. To me, it is certainly okay to cry to release your burning emotions. People cry, I know. But Sakura cries to much and for me and everyone and she herself to think that she already moved from being a crybaby was certainly an overstatement. She clearly hasn't. She still cries too much and it bugs me too much as well. The episode 141 I said I was watching, she was still crying and she wasn't doing really anything. If only she is strong physically, she wouldn't be called a burden and a hindrance that is slowing her friends always and if only she is strong emotionally, she wouldn't be worried of by her friends around her.

She could seriously stop Naruto and Sasuke in here if only she is strong. (Don't say no, people, because she can if she is just as strong willed as them and if she is just training hard like them as well. I kind of remembered Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail with this point. She is strong. She can always be in the middle of a fighting Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster, that is if they aren't serious. I am not sure if she can still if they're fighting seriously. But still, she can.) But she isn't. So again, Naruto and Sasuke has to think of her and try to retrain both their techniques and Kakashi-san has to save her because if she got stuck in between those two attacks, if she'll not die, she'll seriously suffer great damage. And is she seriously out of her mind? Well, the bottom line here is, 'If only she is strong...' But she is not.

I wouldn't dwell on trivial reasons why others don't like her because those weren't reasons for me at all. (Just to give you a picture, others HATE her because she is ugly and has a big forehead.) Those three were the major reasons I don't like her.

(Warning: Biasness) And here comes my conclusion people:

Don't take it wrong. I didn't write this post so just I could say at the bottom that Hinata deserves to be with Naruto. This last part, as I've said and warned you, is just my biasness. From the top before this is purely from an unbiased person.

Notes: And it's finally done, people! After so many hours because I wasn't allowed to use the computer after 6pm, I finally finished this post. I think I edited this three times just so it would finish. You are welcome to comment.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Notes: It's funny. I'm doing the beginning notes after writing the entire post. For those who haven't watch AnoHana and don't want spoilers, this is a post full of spoilers. You had yourself warned. :)

This post will serve as my personal review about the anime "Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. I know, pretty long title, right? Shortly, this anime is called "AnoHana" but the longer version of the anime's title means "We Still Don't Know The Name Of The Flower We Saw That Day." Anyway, I watched that anime for five or six hours straight, from the first episode till the last which is the eleventh episode so maybe, I'll re-watch it again if I find enough time and revise what I'll say right now from the point of view of a person who saw it straight one time. Nevertheless, bear with this. This may sound like a rant but I just want to say what I think about AnoHana.

Let me provide you first with a very, very short summary. AnoHana is a story of six friends: Menma, Jintan, Anaru, Yukiatsu, Tsuruko and Poppo. When they were still children (like just seven years old), Menma died because of an accident. Years later, they still haven't gotten over that Menma died. And the interesting part, Menma came back like a ghost because of the will of having a wish granted. Only, she didn't know what's her wish and it somehow connects to the six of them being together again since when she died, the remaining five drifted apart.

First of all, I find it really connecting how the five of the friends - excluding Poppo since as far as I know, he isn't involved in any romantic linkage on his friends - fell in love with one another and had someone falling for them, too. Let me elaborate on this: Jintan loves Menma and Menma loves him, too. Anaru loves Jintan and Yukiatsu loves Menma (kind of obsessed, I may say). And lastly, Tsuruko also loves Yukiatsu. That's very complicated, don't you think? Jintan and Menma's love for each other isn't said at all but it was nonetheless expressed in so many ways in the anime, even when they were still kids. Anaru's love for Jintan is unrequited and no matter how she tried, it didn't disappear over time. It is very obvious and Anaru's not the best person of hiding her feelings. Same goes for Yukiatsu. His love for Menma was told but it is unrequited, too. He didn't want to talk about it or even think about it but he knows that from somewhere down in his heart, he still hasn't gotten over his feelings for Menma even after so long. I find Tsuruko's character the most interesting even though it wasn't given too much emphasis and time in the story. He loves Yukiatsu ever since the story of the six of them began and she knew, unlike Anaru, that Yukiatsu will never love her as much as he loves Menma. It was unrequited, too, but she is fine (not happy or contented, only fine) with being her on Yukiatsu's side. What's more ironic: Falling in love with your friend who is in love with another friend of yours or Loving a friend who loves you back but when you'll be together, another friend of the both of you will get hurt? Both, I think. And I like how connecting in the real life that one plot of the story is.

Because you might be finding this boring at this point because of just me ranting, let me provide you with some photos.

From left to right: Hisakawa Tetsudo "Poppo", Anjou Naruko "Anaru", Honma Meiko "Menma", Yadomi Jinta "Jintan", Tsurumi Chiriko "Tsuruko", and Mitsuyuki Atsumo, "Yukiatsu".

From left to right: Jintan, Poppo, Anaru, Menma, Yukiatsu, and Tsuruko, when they were still kids. Jintan was the leader and Poppo's always following him. This picture kind of conveys what are they feeling even back then. Jintan was oblivious of Anaru's feelings for him and won't even acknowledge his own feelings for Menma. Thus, he was always walking ahead as the leader. Anaru who loves him was next to him and Poppo following. Menma was next, looking at Jintan. I wanted to assume that as much as she loves all her friends equally as "friends", Jintan will always be different for her (like the person who you'd want to marry someday: a quote from the anime episode I don't remember the number anymore). Yukiatsu was next, following Menma and lastly was Tsuruko, following Yukiatsu. The quote: A picture tells a thousand words is really proven in here, don't you think?

Let's stop for a while with the photos. Secondly, I want to review the concept of the story. First of all in this topic I want to talk/rant about, I think the concept of friendship in anime isn't new at all, especially to an all-around otaku who has interest in like every genre of anime/manga. But what I find captivating about this anime is that it's a story of friends who drifted apart because of a particular dead girl and now the dead girl came back because of a wish. That's the part of it that captivates me. To tell you the truth, the friendship of all this six is more important for me while I was watching this anime. I wanted to see what will happen to their friendship and I found myself waiting for any development in their friendship, the six of them. The romance part is only the second point I was watching out for when I watched it.

And sadly, I really think that the anime didn't give much justice to their friendship and/or the relationship between the six of them (not just the relationship of two characters). Okay, let me explain because I know at this point I might sound confusing because when I'm ranting, I don't know anymore if I'm making any sense. Nonetheless, I'm going to explain.

I want the six of them to grow as friends, not only see them as two-by-two (again, excluding Poppo since he has no romantic linkage with any of the his friends) lovers. At the beginning of the story, I find it really exciting how a dead girl's ghost came back to life ,only, in Jintan's eyes because of, I thought, her eternal love for the Super Peace Busters. Menma loves her friends, I know. But towards the middle of the story, it didn't center anymore in their friendship. It more on concentrated in their selfish, I may say, feelings for one another.

I find it really frustrating and sad when I learned that they only want Menma out of their life because of their own selfish feelings for one another. I really don't know anymore what to feel when after the fireworks and Menma was still around, everyone knew exactly why she wasn't gone. Poppo admitted that he just want Menma out of his life because of his guilt feelings that he was one of those to be blamed why the poor girl died. Anaru admitted that she wanted Menma gone because of her ever-undying love for Jintan and she thought that if Menma was finally gone, Jintan will be able to look at her. Yukiatsu admitted (if I remember correctly here since either I'm griping tightly to my blanket or wiping harshly tears in my eyes is what I'm doing at this point) that he wanted Menma to have "peace" because he can't stand Jintan only seeing her.

Here's the scene. The moment that struck me the most in this scene was when Anaru and Tsuruko fought. I was like Oh-my-God, did she just say it? Actually, I like Anaru and I felt like I can connect to her. But when she said all loud that Tsuruko loves Yukiatsu and that they're just the same of how they wanted Menma gone forever because she wanted Yukiatsu to look at her, too, seriously, I can't describe how I hate her that particular moment. I breathed a sigh of relief when Tsuruko told Anaru her feelings for Yukiatsu. I thought that at least that time, she showed her true self to her friend. But Anaru shouting Tsuruko's feelings who by the way Tsuruko kept for like forever to Yukiatsu just like that, like that didn't even matter, like Tsuruko wanted to shout it like that, like everything will be like it was after saying it, I find myself getting angry and I find Anaru being unfair. I find her being more unfair when she kept on insisting how they're the same when even before Tsuruko countered her, I knew they're not the same. Tsuruko may be my favorite character in the series but being unbiased here, she and Anaru are really way different.

Anaru's love for Jintan is very obvious. It is visible even though she won't say it or just even after seeing her on the first episode. That's why at that moment, I love her character because it's very connecting. Girls with unrequited love can easily connect to her and it somehow reflects reality and the pain of not having your love returned.

Tsuruko, on the other hand, is reserved and calm. You almost wouldn't know her feelings for Yukiatsu if you'll not look down her core and her actions (or you'll just wait for the episode she confessed it to Anaru). Her character for me is very connecting as well. Hiding your emotions no matter how strong they are because you know nothing will change and everything will be more complicated if it will be told is a very real thing.

Yeah I know, they're same in terms of having same unrequited feelings for guys who has eyes on the same girl who by the way was dead already and simply they can't get over her. But they're so very different, too. Okay, I'm exploring the characters at this point already and it's not supposed to be time yet. I'm supposed to review the concept story first so let's head there for a moment now, okay?

So where am I back there? As I was saying, I find it really sad that they wanted Menma out of their lives for personal reason while our dear Menma who forever loves her friend came back for them and wishes to be with them like before. Isn't it really sad? I think they kind of realized it by the end and finally stopped thinking of their own freaking reasons and was finally able to send peace to Menma.

Anyway, the weak concept of the story was the poor based of why Menma came back. Let me tell you why she came back: To make Jintan cry because she promised it to Jintan's Mom when his mother was in the verge of dying. I find it really weak and it really doesn't support the idea and the concept of friends forever which I really thought initially was the plot of the anime. It was actually, by the beginning and the end of the story. It never was in the middle. For me, the middle part of the anime concentrated on their individual feelings for each other. I really don't want to complain but friendship should come first before any romance since friendship bound all of them, all six characters, not romance. It was like the characters didn't grow as a group, as Super Peace Busters. For me, it seemed like they grew as individuals who knew each other years ago before a girl in white dress died.

I really don't get another point of the story because as for what I saw, they were like seven year-old kids when Menma was still alive and thus they call themselves Super Peace Busters and even built a secret base in the forest. What I don't get is how the heck seven year-old kids knew about stuff like love and everything related to romance. What brought me here is it was revealed, too, how Menma died. Unfortunately, all of them were involved, even Menma herself. Yukiatsu, Anaru and ,I think, they even convinced Poppo to go with the flow to find out what's Jintan's real feelings for Menma (whether he likes her or not simply). Even back then, Anaru loves Jintan and Yukiatsu's in love with Menma (and with that, I am still like WTH! They're seven year-old-s, for heaven's sake. Well, love really has no age requirements. If you'll fall, you'll just fall.) So anyway, regardless of the three, Tsuruko knew it and told Menma about it. I really cried when I saw (well I was watching English subbed, by the way) Menma's reply. This isn't the real words but as much as I can remember, it's mostly like this, Tsuruko and Menma's conversation. Tsuruko: Are you okay with it? (She was telling Menma not to go to the secret base.) Menma: It's okay. I don't just love Jintan. I love you all. Seriously, I cried a bucket after that words. And even remembering that now, I still felt sad, nonetheless. Not crying but still sad especially when I learned how they wanted Menma gone because of their personal reasons. Going back, knowing everything that will happen. All went to the secret base. Anaru asked Jintan if he likes Menma. Jintan, of course, said no even though he was blushing so much. And went like, "How could anyone like an ugly..." He stopped right there and looked at Menma. She just smiled. He didn't take it anymore. He run. Menma followed him. Yukiatsu followed Menma and confessed his love for her, giving her a flower hairclip. Menma didn't know what to do at that time: continue running after Jintan or talk to Yukiatsu. After blushing at Yukiatsu's confession which she hadn't expected coming at all (since as her own mother said, she's a very light headed person), she went like: I have to run after Jintan. Let's talk about this later. And then, she ran after Jintan. Yukiatsu, left alone, threw the flower hairclip. (We learned by then that the dirty flower hairclip Tsuruko was still keeping and even using when she's alone was the one Yukiatsu intended to give Menma years ago.) To sum it all up, Menma fell into some kind of body water and died when she was running after Jintan.

We also learned that Menma initially asked only everyone except Jintan that day regarding her promise to Jintan's Mom. She thought that she didn't know how to make Jintan cry and she wanted to ask her friends about it. Of course, keeping it secret from Jintan. She never had the chance to ask because of the accident that killed her.

So she came back with only Jintan seeing her and communicating to her like a normal alive person because of that promise. That particular promise to make Jintan cry, I find a very weak concept for the story.

I've gone already too long talking about the positive points of this anime and ranting about the negative marks as well. As an ending, I'll just talk about how even after all the plot holes and need for character development still, AnoHana made me smile in the end. Honestly, at the final episode, tears wouldn't stop coming from my eyes. And seriously, the box of tissue I readied wasn't enough because of too much sadness and I don't know, maybe even happiness for having quite a closure. But at the end, let me tell you, regardless of the tears falling from my eyes, I just had a smile on my lips. A smile.

Here goes what happened on the final episode of AnoHana (with some photos to give you an idea how emotional it was):

Menma and Jintan are in the house after the fireworks which supposedly would be Menma's wish and she'd finally find her way in the heaven peacefully.
Jintan was called by the others because they "knew" my Menma was still there, with them.
Anaru admitted that she only wanted Menma gone so Jintan will be able to look at her, too.
Yukiatsu admitted that he wanted Menma to have "peace" only because he can't stand Jintan being the only one who can see her (as I've remembered).
Anaru confronting Tsuruko of how "they're just the same" and revealing Tsuruko's feelings for Yukiatsu (which I elaborated a while ago).
Tsuruko finally broke down. She said no to Anaru and told her that she knew she can't be compared to Menma. The reason she wanted Menma gone (I think) was not because if Menma will be gone, Yukiatsu will finally notice her. Her reason was if Menma was gone already, she can finally be next in line to Yukiatsu's love, next to Anaru. (That made my cry a bucket. She's still holding on to the same love of her life after so many years. After two of her friends, she was still waiting. That's sad, being a martyr for love.)
And here, we finally caught a glimpse of Poppo's emotions. He confessed that he wanted Menma have "peace" because of the guilt he has of having to see Menma drift away in the river and not being able to do something.
Finally, at last, the Super Peace Busters made peace among themselves and agreed to "make it right" this time. I personally commend Yukiatsu for forgetting everything personal between him and Jintan for a moment and calling him "Leader".
Oh for the name of love, I was crying and wailing in this part. Even thinking that Menma will be gone without having to say a proper goodbye to her friends is enough heartbreaking already. At this point, she revealed her promise to Jintan's Mom to Jintan. Because her promise/wish was finally done, she'll disappear by then.
Jintan wouldn't let that be. He said: You can't just say goodbye to me. You've got to say a proper everybody else, too.
By the time they reached the secret base, even Jintan can't see Menma anymore. He was calling her name desperately because he can't stand the fact of her being gone just after all of them reconciled.
Menma realized it and everybody else, too. So she said: Let's play hide-and-seek. Jintan desperately run all through the forest searching for Menma. (I can't believe even writing this all up made me cry already. I'm such a weak person.) Menma on the other hand pleaded for the strength to just do the thing she wanted to do last.
Finally, Menma brought them to the tree they used to play to when they were still kids. Under it were letter for each one saying why Menma loves them.
As the last seconds of Menma, all of them are able to see her clearly, quite well.
And just after completely disappearing, she smiled. As Jintan said: Even up until the end, she is smiling.

Notes: So smile, people. This post, I am consciously aware, is very long. But for those who read, thank you. On my next post, I'll talk/rant about the characters. I did a short review of Anaru and Tsuruko's here and the character review is supposed to be in this post, too. I didn't expect this to be long, honestly. So I'll be doing the character review on my next post. I'll add the "After Story" review, too, even though it was short and happened for just a few seconds by the end of the final episode. Please read it, too.

Credits: The pictures aren't mine. I found them over the Internet. All words are mine, though.